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Episode #001

A preview of the upcoming SBC Annual Meeting, highlight some recent news, and sit down with SBC President Ronnie Floyd.



  • Union University (Tenn.): Nathan Finn named dean of the school of theology and missions –
  • Ouachita Baptist (Ark.): President Rex Horne steps down to serve as president of Arkansas’ Independent Colleges and Universities –
  • Brewton-Parker (Ga.): Steve Echols named new president –
  • Statewide day of prayer planned in S.C.: The June 13 event, “The Response South Carolina: A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis,” is an evangelical all-day event of worship, fasting and prayer to intercede for a nation in crisis,” said Brad Atkins, pastor of Powdersville First Baptist Church in Easley, S.C. “The event is not a time for preachers to pontificate or politicians to make political speeches. It is a called time of repentance and worship.” For more information, go to theresponsesc.com


  • IMB: Established a policy to streamline guidelines for appointing new personnel within the framework of the BFM 2000 – FAQ
  • IMB: Missionary Susan Sanson, 67, died of malaria in Zomba, Malawi, on May 18. Susan Sanson was born in New York and raised in Ohio. As a young adult, she spent time in Manhattan as a model and fashion magazine editor. “She had an amazing testimony of … moving to New York and living the high life as a fashion model and mover and shaker in the fashion world … and then God arresting her heart and bringing her back to Him,” said Kevin Rodgers, an IMB strategy leader in Africa and a friend of the Sansons. “She quit her job, sold her things, moved to New Orleans and enrolled in New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.” She met Billy Sanson at the seminary, where he was a Ph.D. student. The couple married in 1992. —
  • ERLC: ERLC Academy lectures covered such general topics as the kingdom of God and Christian ethics, and establishing a framework for Christian ethics. Moore also addressed such issues as religious liberty, marriage, gender identity, the sanctity of human life, contraception, artificial reproductive technology, capital punishment, environmental stewardship and poverty. – – Watch the videos
  • SBTS: R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, received the 2015 Edwin Meese III Originalism and Religious Liberty Award from the Alliance Defending Freedom, May 15. –
  • LifeWay: Lecrae signs with B&H to publish his new book, Unashamed
  • NAMB: About 58 percent of the new churches added to the Southern Baptist Convention in 2013 and 2014 are reported to be minority congregations. More than 20 Southern Baptist leaders representing several different ethnic groups sat down to discuss current outreach efforts and explore how NAMB could effectively help plant churches for diverse populations in cooperation with ethnic Southern Baptist groups like the National African American Fellowship, the Vietnamese Baptist Fellowship of North America, the Native Fellowship of Christians, the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the U.S. and Canada, and others. – – Send Conference:

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INTERVIEW – Ronnie Floyd, Pastor of Cross Church, President of the Southern Baptist Convention

  1. J.D. Greear recently announced that he intends to nominate you for a second term as SBC president. What would be your vision for Southern Baptists for the next year?
  2. One of the major roles for the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, that isn’t discussed as often as it once was, is the task of nominating messengers to serve on various committees. How has that process been for you this year, as you have sought out a fair and accurate representation of the denomination as a whole?
  3. What has been the most surprising thing you’ve learned or experienced this year as SBC president?
  4. How have you balanced the ongoing ministry of Cross Church with the role of serving as SBC president?
  5. When you look 20 years down the road, where do you see the SBC as well as Cross Church?

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SBC Preview:


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