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Episode #249

Every January, Amy and Jonathan share their 10 questions for the SBC for the coming year. For 2020, they may have an answer to one of them already.

News Recap:

  1. How will American politics affect the SBC in 2020?
  2. Will we see more diverse first-chair leaders?
  3. Who will be nominated for SBC officers in Orlando?
  4. How will the major launch of Go2 affect sending numbers in coming years?
  5. Will we see any recommendations for disfellowship from the Credentials Committee?
  6. What will be the outcome of the Baptism Sunday initiatives President Greear is promoting?
  7. What will be the impact of LifeWay’s retail strategy?
  8. Will we break $200M in national CP receipts this budget year?
  9. Will the AAEO hit another record high?
  10. Will we hit 10K messengers in Orlando?

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