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Episode #007

A highlight of the SBC’s connection to several Christian hip hop stars, discuss new hires, and feature an interview with SBTS professor Kevin Smith.

Denominational News

State Convention News

  • Houston Baptist University and East Texas Baptist University appealing to Supreme Court over Obamacare mandate
  • Baylor University Eliminates Homosexual Acts from Conduct Policy –

Entity News

Interview with Kevin Smith

  • @SmithBaptist on Twitter
  • “People who do ministry bi-vocationally are typically very excited about being a part of ministry.”
  • “We should be winsome warriors when it comes to culture.”
  • “Bi-vocational church planters will spice up the game.”
  • “The bi-vocational minister has a certain evangelistic credibility that full-time pastors may not have.”

Resources of the Week

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