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Episode #352

Brent Leatherwood, Chelsea Sobolik, and Elizabeth Graham join us to preview this week’s monumental SCOTUS oral arguments related to the future of abortion in America. This special episode of SBC This Week is brought to you in partnership with the ERLC.

Dobbs Case Resources

Stand for Life

Every mother, every child, every heartbeat matters to God.

In 2010, roughly 1000 Pregnancy Resource Centers provided about 230,000 ultrasounds, at little or no cost. These ultrasounds introduce mothers to their children for the first time.

Most women in a crisis pregnancy who are given a glimpse of the life within them choose life.

However, this is only possible when women can go to a pregnancy center with an ultrasound machine. Sonogram machines are expensive, costing tens of thousands of dollars. Most crisis pregnancy centers do not have the funds to buy the equipment or have a medical expert on staff to “read” the output.

You can be a part of giving to this critical, life-saving effort. When you donate to the Psalm 139 Project at, 100% of your donation goes directly to ultrasound machine placement. 100%. Learn more at

Psalm 139 Project

Through the Psalm 139 Project, the ERLC is placing 50 ultrasounds by the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade in 2023. They are on the verge of placing their 25th machine this month which would put them halfway to their goal. On this Giving Tuesday, help them place their next machine by donating at 100% of donations to the PSalm 139 PRoject go entirely to ultrasound machine placement. Learn more and donate at

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